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  • Les particules to, ya et mo | Futakazan

    the particles to, ya and mo The particle to と: ​ 1) The particle to can mean either "and" or "with" depending on its position in the sentence. Example : ​ Watashi to anata ga eiga wo mimashita.私と あ な た が 映 画 を 見 ま し た: You and I watched a movie. ​ Watashi wa anata to eiga wo mimashita.私 は あ な たと 映 画 を 見 ま し た: I watched a movie with you . ​ When it means "and", to is only used for making exhaustive lists ! ​ For the non-exhaustive (incomplete) lists we use ya や . ​ 2) Allows you to link two verbs or a verb to a noun group (translates to: that, like, etc.) ​ Example : ​ Boku wa anata ga tadashī to omoimasu : 僕はあなたが正し いと思います: I think you're right. ​ ​ Toukyou ga hiroi to mimasu yo. 東京 が 広 いと 見 ま す よ。: You will see how Tokyo is great! ​ 3) Allows to emit the idea of "to name oneself": to iu (と 言 う) ​ 昔 々 、 木 の 葉 に向日葵 と い う と て も き れ い 女 の 子 が 住 ん で い ま し た 。 mukashi mukashi, konoha ni, himawari to iu totemo kirei onnanoko ga sundeimashita. ​ Meaning: Once upon a time, in Konoha, there lived a very beautiful young girl named Himawari. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ See interrogative words

  • Les particule de, kara et made | Futakazan

    The particles of, kara and made The particle of で: ​ 1) The particle of indicates the CCM (Circumstantial Complement of Manner) of the sentence. ​ 自転車で仕事にいき ます(jitensha of Shigoto nor ikimasu): I'm going to work by bike ​ To find the CCM, we ask the question "how" after the verb: How do I go to work? By bike; by car. ​ 2) Indicates the place where an action takes place: at, at, among, in, etc. ​ * 世界で 一番 の 愛 し た 人 ( Sekai de ichiban no aishita hito) : The most loved person in the world. ​ * デ ィ ズ ニ ー はア メ リ カ で 建 て ら れ ま し た。 (dizunī wa amerika from tateraremashita.): Disney was built in the United States . ​ * 全 て の 人 々 で 、 君 を 選 び 出 し た。 ( subete no hitobito de , kimi wo erabidashita.): Among all the world , I have chosen you. ​ 3) indicates the circumstantial complement of cause: ​ 雪で 手 が 冷 た っ た。 ( Yuki from te ga tsumetatta ): The snow froze my hands. | My hands were frozen by / because of the snow ​ The particles か ら and ま で: ​ 1) kara means "from / from / from" and made means until. ​ "This road was going from my house to the lake "translates to: ​ あ の 道 は家 か ら 湖 ま で に 進 ん だ (ano michi wa ie kara mizuumi made ni susunda.) ​ 2) kara can mean "because, because, like" if it is put between two sentences with da / desu. ​ Sentence 1: you are kind: 君 が 優 し いで す / だ 。 (kimi ga yasashii desu / da ) ​ Sentence 2: you will have ice cream: ア イ ス ク リ ー ム を も ら え ま す。 (aisukurîmu wo moraemasu) ​ 君 が 優 し いで す / だ か ら 、 ア イ ス ク リ ー ム を も ら え ま す か。: As you are nice, you will have ice cream. ​

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